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Kim Scott

After working nearly ten years as a 911 Dispatcher and Call Taker in both Oregon and
Washington, Kim continued her education by earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from
Western Oregon University in 2017. Kim currently works as a Board Assessment Specialist for
the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision. Through the years, Kim has personally
known more than one person that has been lost. She has experienced the desperation of
having a family member disappear while visiting the Oregon Coast. Kim recognizes the
importance of utilizing resources to assist with locating lost loved ones. Although not always a
happy ending, bringing closure to families and friends of the missing is largely impactful, which
gives Kim the motivation to volunteer for Aloft Drone Search. Kim enjoys gardening, traveling,
camping, kayaking, riding ATVs and raising her chickens. She spends as much time as possible
outdoors and likes to experience new adventures.

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